Special Need Support Center
Capacity building and incentive at Addis Ababa Education Bureau
- Collaborating with Addis Ababa Education Bureau workshop organized and Awareness raising Training provided on inclusion of persons with disabilities in education
- Three (3) Police implementation guidelines developed and published, guideline validation workshop conducted.
SPCO and Sida project staffs traveled to Sweden for Sida Science Day and visiting partner Swedish universities (Gothenburg University and Uppsala ISP Program and ABB at Ludvika to optimally use the time and travel costs from 19 May /2019 to 29 May/2019 in which Four personnel related to the SPCO and the AAU-Sida projects were travelled, namely,
- Professor Brook Lemma, Coordinator of AAU-Sida Projects
- Mastewal Moges, Assistant Coordinator
- Belaynew Mengistu, Chief Accountant from AAU Finance Office who handles transactions of Sida supported projects.
- Mengesha Mamo, Principal Investigator of the Electric Power and Control Management PhD Program which was selected to represent all the projects at AAU as it is exemplarily formulated with the inclusion of a private company from Sweden (ABB) and a public institution from Ethiopia (the Ethiopian Electric and Power Authority) in its academic programs in addition to AAU, KTH and Chalmers Universities.
- Gothenburg University (GU) Department of Pedagogy that supports the Sida supported International and Comparative Education PhD program. The team visited the overall GU Public Relations Office where it was briefed on the internal and national interventions GU does and how the new Sida supported projects in collaborations with GU could be added to the portfolio of the office to increase the international visibility of AAU and GU.
- ABB at Ludvika was visited with complete route of the company facilities with prior briefings on the involvement of the Swedish two universities in the presence of Professor LisbithS?derlingand ProfessorStanislaw Gubanski. After the company visit one AAU PhD candidate who was at ABB presented a seminar on his work at ABB and discussions were made on how he obtains support from the SPCO, AAU and other Ethiopian universities where he conducts his research upon returning home.
- The International Science Program (ISP) at Uppsala University was visited where how the work at AAU and in Swedish partner universities could be interfaced and how the reporting formats could be made similar to make them friendly and effective for Sida assessment for effectiveness.
As per the project cycle captured in the project proposal submitted at the signing of the AAU-Sida 2018-2023 agreement and the articles captured in the same agreement, AAU has made two planning meetings with Swedish partners which were both chaired by Dr. Alexander Sellerholm and facilitated by Professor Brook lemma and the SPCO staff. These meetings proved to be highly useful in bringing all persons involved in the management, coordination and implementation of the activities of the projects both in Ethiopia and Sweden. In general, these included professors leading the projects (at AAU and in Sweden), embassy representatives, finance and procurement personals, college deans that host the projects, and AAU senior management officers (AAU President and Vice Presidents). These meetings were held at Getfam Hotel from 07/Nov 2018 to 08/Nov 2018 and at the Ghion Hotel from 07May/2019 to 08 May/2019 in Addis Ababa and at the Senate Hall of AAU, where spill over issues of the Ghion Hotel were discussed.