AAU, Directorate of Women, Children and Youth offers a half day long workshop
Addis Ababa University, Directorate of women, Children and youth offers workshop on the theme of “Women are the bridge inclusive development in Ethiopia” on November 7, 2019 at Mandela Hall. W/roMatebeTarekegne, the director of the directorate, in her welcoming speech underlined on women participation in every life aspects.
She said that to increase students’ overall capacity, the directorate of women, children and youth offers trainings, panel discussions and award high-ranking students prizes. Matebe also said the office has contributed a lot for the development of quality education as well.
“The office has played significant role to keep cultural, economic and social assets safe and be transferred to the next generation”Matebe said. “Women are our bridges for the country’s overall development” W/O Matebe stated.
Dr. TakeleMerid, Director of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies,presents his speech on the theme of the workshop and said “our assets are ways of bridges to connect past and present generations.” The half day long panel discussion was on“women culture and Society”;“women and Leadership” and” sexual harassment in higher education and its management”.
Professor Brook Lemma, made a brief speech about the support of Sida and appreciated the panel discussion. At the end, the inauguration ceremony of sculpture of “Ankro” was held in front of Keneddy Memorial Library.