University Industry Linkage & Technology Transfer
2018/2019 Achievements
The main activities that have been done this year based on the SIDA fund are listed bellows:
- Development of University Industry Linkage and Technology Transfer Policy: This policy will help each college, institutes, schools and the University at large. Partnership and close collaboration of universities and industries that foster practical knowledge building and also facilitate technology transfer is vital. Students need to be nurtured and capacitated with practical knowledge that could only be achieved with close partnership and win-win arrangements between universities and industries in general. Owing to this, Ethiopian educational system has emphasized the University Industry Linkage and technology transfer concern that initiated establishment of offices in all public universities across the country. Addis Ababa University has established this office with keen belief that coordinated collaboration is achieved in all institutes and collages. However, with the growing expansion of the university and educational programs, ratifying a policy that governs activities of University Industry Linkage and technology transfer is deemed to be critical. Therefore, the aim this policy is to guide the overall partnership of the university with industries and associated technology transfer affairs. The draft has already been submitted and the final policy will be ready soon.
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